It was only about time that Emma Stone would be the subject of my post, simply because she is one of my favorite celebs. She's quirky, funny, and quite stylish...what's not to like? While I was on vacation, my September issue of Teen Vogue (Emma is on the cover) NEVER ARRIVED. While I wait 4 to 6 weeks for the issue to be mailed to me, I had to look for some Emma pictures to get me through what will seem like eternity before my favorite magazine arrives in my mailbox. Below are just a few of my favorite more casual looks. Perfect autumn/winter inspiration if you ask me!

{On her way to LAX airport}
{During filming The Amazing Spider Man}
{In the East Village}
{Arriving at JFK}
{During filiming of The Amazing Spider Man}
{At LAX aiport}
{Leaving the set of The Amazing Spider Man}
{In West Hollywood}
Key pieces to Emma's Style: skinny jeans, cool shades, leather bag, and trendy outerwear
xoxo Valeria