Saturday, September 3, 2011

Anne Has-a-way with fashion!

 {In Alexander McQueen at the One Day premiere}

 {In Carven at the One Day premiere after party}
 {In Alexander McQueen at the One Day London premiere}
{Looking fabulous in Harper's Bazaar}

Anne Hathaway is clearly on the ball these days.  Not only does she have what looks like the most heartfelt movie ever coming out soon (One Day - along side cutie Jim Sturgess), but every website I go to has her on their best dressed list!  YOU GO ANNE. She also earns major points from me because she is an obvious fan of McQueen.  Who could blame her? The man was a genius. This post today was so close to being about fall and back to school, but luckily I found a photo of Anne that spared us all.  Now we can have one more day to pretend that the school year is not approaching.  Enjoy your last licks of summer!
                                                    xoxo Liz

p.s. I apologize for that awful title, but what else could I do?!