Saturday, September 24, 2011

Idolize This

Oh gosh! It feels as though it's been forever since I've blogged to you people!  What you may not know, however, is that I've been sick and out of school for about two weeks and therefore too depressed to leave my bed.  BUT OH HOW I'VE MISSED THIS!  Today I'm showing you one of my newest idols, the blogger behind Flashes of Style , Bonnie Barton.  I was led to her site from another blog I follow, and I instantly knew I'd be posting this.  Her style defines my ideal wardrobe.  Its feminine, its super classy, its trendy, its ADORABLE.  Its so independent woman on the go, exactly what I want to look like in my future college days.  She also really rocks a bolo hat, does she not?! Girls like her make me think I should buy hats, and then I remember I look terrible in hats. Basically her images will be plastered in my mind as I'm fall shopping, not in a creepy way, but you get me right? 
             xoxo Liz

P.S. The last shot is of her and her boyfriend. * cue sighs of jealousy *