Saturday, September 10, 2011


 It all began here, two girls on a mission, Fashion's Night Out was COMPLETELY worth walking into school this morning feeling like a zombie with feet swollen to the size of melons.
 To document the night: I in my mustard H&M dress with an army green button up and brown booties...
 while Valeria rocked a strapless one-piece with a fantastically silver detailed vest, and HEELS!
 So we entered Saks, snapped a few full length shots, and headed to the Fifth Floor for Hairbraiding with Rebecca Minkoff and Leandra Medine (THE MAN REPELLER).

 A sighting of the official FNO tees! Pretty sick; there were two other styles which can be seen here.
 Here was the Hair Braiding Bar! Notice the lovely woman sitting with her head turned? Yeah...LEANDRA. Needless to say we were a bit starstruck.  We waited on line for nearly an hour and moved about two feet, so when we saw her get up to leave before we got our turn...
 you KNOW I grabbed that woman and forced her kindly asked her to take a picture with us. Notice my beet red face though? Told ya we were starstruck. We left Saks accomplished! But like Leandra, we had places to go and more people to see!
Those people included Leandra of course, who did the greatest quick change ever on her ride over to Coach, where we spent the rest of our night.  The place was blogger city!  Check out The Glamourai in this photo all the way to the left! Its Kelly Framel people!  If you peep the picture above you can check out her fantastic shoes, she actually owns both of those (I've noticed from her blog, not stalking) but her feet are the ones on the right.  When speaking with her she gave us the best advice on blogging and sticking with it.  
And to make the night even more surreal then it already was....a picture with Kelly too! Although, we'd like to note that there is an actual reason to why I look nervous beyond belief and why Liz isn't looking into the camera. 1. I'm standing next to THE Kelly Framel. Reason enough. 2. Her photographer was also there and took a picture of the three of us, so Liz is looking into his camera. We are praying that somehow the picture will end up on her blog...and looks better than this one! 
Our second picture with Leandra for the night, SCORE!

We left the city that night with bigger dreams than we started with for this blog, FNO pumped us up and gave us that extra push that we needed to STEP IT UP A NOTCH on the blog. So get ready!
xoxo Liz and Valeria
P.S. Celebrate NYFW!!